Dizionario teologico inglese-latino: differenze tra le versioni

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(4 versioni intermedie di uno stesso utente non sono mostrate)
Riga 4: Riga 4:

*act: ''actus''
= Termini teologici =
*act of faith: ''actus fidei''  
*act of trust: ''actus fiduciae''
{| align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
*act of union: ''actus unionis''  
*action: ''actus''
| style="width: 154px; text-align: center;" width="25%" | '''<span style="background-color:#dddddd;">Latino</span>'''
*actuality: ''actus''  
! scope="col" style="width: 209px;" width="25%" | '''<span style="background-color:#dddddd;">Interlingua</span>'''
*adoption: ''adoptio''
! scope="col" style="width: 198px;" width="25%" | '''<span style="background-color:#dddddd;">Inglese</span>'''
*affliction: ''tentatio''  
! scope="col" style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" | &nbsp;
*allegori: cfr. ''quadriga''
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*analogy: ''analogia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*analogy of being: ''analogia entis''  
''actio sacramentalis''
*analogy of faith: ''analogia fidei''  
*analogy of Scripture: ''analogia Scripturae''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*angels: ''angeloi; pneumata leiturgika''
Action sacramental
*Antichrist: ''antichristus''
*apostasy: ''apostasia''  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*assent: ''assensus''
sacramental action
*attribute: ''attributum''
*authority of Scripture: ''authoritas Scripturae''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*begetting: ''generatio, genesis''  
*being: ''ens''
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*birth: ''genesis''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*blessedness: ''beatitudo''
''actus fidei''
*body of Christ: ''corpus Christi''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*calling: ''vocatio''  
Acto de fide
*cause: ''causa''
*certainty: ''certitudo''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*children of the faithful: ''infantes fidelium''
act of faith
*choice: ''arbitrium''
*Christ -person of: ''persona Christi''  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*office of Christ: ''munus triplex''
*satisfaction of Christ: ''satisfactio vicaria''
*states of Christ: ''status exaltationis; status humiliationis; ''cfr. ''personas; Trinitas''  
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*commands: ''praecepta''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*commands of love: ''precepta caritatis''
''actus fiduciae''
*commands of the law: ''precepta Decalogi''
*common grace: ''gratia communis''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*common places: ''loci communes''
Acto de fiducia
*communication of proper qualities: ''communicatio idiomatum''  
*communion: ''communio, koinonìa''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*community: ''koinonia''
act of trust
*concurrence: ''concursus''
*consubstantial: ''homoousios''  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*contrition: ''contritio, poenitentia''
*conversion: ''conversio''
*cooperating grace; cfr. ''gratia''  
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*counsel of God: ''consilium Dei''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*covenant: ''foedus; pactum''
''actus primus''
*covenant of grace: ''foedus gratiae''
*covenant of redemption: ''pactum salutis''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*covenant of works: ''foedus operum''  
Actualitate primari
*covetousness: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*danation: ''damnatio''
primary actuality
*death: ''mors''
*decree: ''decretum''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*degrees of glory: ''gradus gloriae''  
*desire: ''appetitus''
*despair: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
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*dispensation: ''dispensatio''  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*disposition: ''habitus''
''actus purus''
*disposition of faith: ''habitus fidei''
*disposition of grace: ''habitus gratiae''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*distributive justice: ''justitia remuneratoria sive distributiva''
Acto pur
*eating (sacramental): ''manducatio''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*economy: ''dispensatio''
pure act
*effectual calling: ''vocatio efficax''
*emotion: ''affectio''  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*end of the world: ''consummatio seculi'', cfr. ''interitus mundi''
*envy: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
*equivocal: ''aequivocus''
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*essence: ''essentia; quidditas''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*essence of God: ''essentia Dei''  
''actus unionis''
*eternal ideas: ''rationes eternae''
*eternal life: ''vita aeterna''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*eternity: ''aeternitas''
Acto de union
*exaltation of Christ: ''status exaltationis''
*existence: ''esse''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
act of union
*faithfullness: ''fidelitas''  
*fault: ''culpa''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*fear of God: ''timor Dei'', cfr. ''timor filialis, contritio''
*first cause: ''prima causa''  
*first mover: ''primum movens''
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*foreknowledge: ''prescientia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*foreknowledge of faith: ''previda fidei''  
''actus; ens; esse; esse''
*foreordination: ''predestinatio''  
*form: ''forma,'' cfr. ''universalia''.
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*foundation: ''fundamentum''
Realitate, Esser
*foundation of election: ''fundamentum electionis''
*foundation of faith:''fundamentum fidei''  
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*cfr. ''principia theologica''
*free will (i.e. free choice): ''liberum arbitrium''
*fundamental articles: ''articulis fundamentales''.
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*fundamental principles of theology:''principia theologiae''
*general revelation: ''revelatio generalis''  
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*gluttony: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*God: ''Deus''
*God-man: ''theanthropos''
*good will: ''benevolentia''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*goodness: ''bonitas''  
*grace: ''gratia''
*grace of God: ''gratia Dei''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*grace alone: ''sola gratia''
*greed: cfr. ''septem peccatam mortalia''
*guarantee: ''fideiussio; sponsio''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*guilt: ''culpa''
*happiness: ''felicitas''
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*hatred: ''odium''  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*holiness: ''sanctitas''
*humiliation of Christ: ''status humiliationis''
*hypostatic union: ''unio personalis''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*hypothetical universalism: ''universalismus hypotheticus''
*ideas: ''universalia; rationes aeterne''  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*illocal presence: ''presentia illocalis sive definitiva; ''cfr. ''presentia''
*illumination: ''illuminatio''
*image of God: ''imago Dei''
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*immeasurability: ''immensitas''
*immortality: ''immortalitas''
*imperfection: ''vitium''
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*impersonality: ''anhypostasis''  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*imputation: ''imputatio''
*imputed righteosness: ''iustitia imputata''
*in view of faith: ''intuitu fidei''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*incarnation: ''incarnatio''  
*inspiration: ''inspiration, ''cfr. ''theopneustos''
*intellect: ''intellectus''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*intermediate state: ''status animarum a corpore separaturum''
*internal testimony of the Holy Spirit: ''testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*justice: ''iustitia''  
*justification: ''justificatio''
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*kenosis: ''exinanitio''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*kingdom of Christ: ''regnum Christi''
*knowledge: ''cognitio; notitia; scientia''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*last day: ''dies novissimus''  
*last judgment: j''udicium extremum''
*law: ''lex''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*cerimonial law: ''lex cerimonialis''
*law of Christ: ''lex Christi''
*moral law: ''lex moralis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*law of Moses: ''lex Mosaica''
*law of nature: ''lex naturalis''
*liability: ''reatus''
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*life: ''vita''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*light - of God: ''lux Dei''
''adventus Christi''
*light of nature /grace /glory: ''lumen nature /gratie /gloriae''
*longsuffering: ''longanimitas''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*Lord's Supper: ''coena sacra''
Advento de Christo (Secunde)
*love: amor; caritas; dilection
*love of God: ''amor Dei''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*lust: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
second coming
*majesty: ''maiestas''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*man (generic): ''homo''
*manifestation: ''patefaction''
*marks of the church: ''notae ecclesiae''
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*means: ''media''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*means of grace: ''media gratiae; organa gratia e salutis, ''cfr. ''instrumentum''
*mediator: ''Mediator''
*mercy: ''misericordia''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*merit: ''meritum''
*merit of Christ: ''meritum Christi''
*metaphysics: ''metaphysica''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*millennialism: ''chialismus''
*miracles: ''miracula''
*mirror of election: ''speculum electionis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*morosity: cfr. ''septe peccata mortalia''
*mystical union: ''unio mystica''
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*names of God: ''nomina Dei''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*natural condition: ''status purorum naturalium''
*natural theology: ''theologia naturalis''
*necessity: ''necessitas''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*absolute necessity: ''necessitas absoluta''
*necessity of compulsion: ''necessitas coactionis''
*necessity of nature: ''necessitas naturae''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*relative necessity: ''necessitas consequentiae''
*nothingness: ''nihil; me on; ''cfr. ''ex nihilo''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*obedience of Christ: ''obedientia Christi''
*object: ''obiectum''
*object of election: ''obiectum electionis''
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*object of faith: ''obiectum fidei''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*object of theology: ''obiectum theologiae''
*office of Christ: ''munus triplex''
*omnipotence: ''omnipotentia''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*order: ''ordo''
*order of created things: ''ordo rerum creatorum''
*order of decreed things: ''ordo rerum decretarum''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*order of salvation: ''ordo salutis''
*original righteousness: ''iustitia originalis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*permission: ''permissio''
*perseverance: ''perseverantia''
*personal relation: ''relatio personalis''
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*personal union: ''unio personalis''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*place: ''locus''
''amor Dei''
*power: ''potentia; potestas''
*absolute power: ''potentia absoluta''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*ordained power: ''potentia ordinata''
Amor de Deo
*power of the church: ''potestas ecclesiae''
*practical syllogism: ''syllogismus practicus''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*practice: ''praxis''
love of God
*prayer: ''oratio''
*predestination: ''predestinatio''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*predication: ''predicatio''
*preparation - for conversion: ''preparatio ad conversionem''
*preparation for the gospel: ''preparatio evangelica''
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*presence: ''presentia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*prevenient grace: ''gratia praeveniens''
''analogia entis''
*pride: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
*priestly work: ''sacerdotium''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*primacy: ''primitas''
Analogia de&nbsp;essentia
*primary actuality: ''actus primus''
*prime matter: ''materia prima''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*procession: ''spiratio; processio''
analogy of being
*promise: ''promissio''
*proper qualities: ''idiomata''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*property: ''proprietas; proprium''
*prophecy: ''prophetia''
*providence: ''providentia''
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*punishment: ''poena''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*punitive justice: ''iustitia vindicativa sive punitiva''
''analogia fidei''
*pure act: ''actus purus''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*ransom: ''lytron''
Analogia de fide
*real presence: cfr. ''presentia''
*reality: ''actus; ens; esse; esse''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*received text: ''textus receptus''
analogy of faith
*reconciliation: ''reconciliatio''
*remunerative justice: ''justitia remunerativa sive distributiva''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*repentance: ''metanoia; poenitentia; resipiscentia''
*reprobation: ''reprobatio''
*resistible grace: ''gratia resistibilis''
|- valign="top"
*resurrection: ''resurrection''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*revelation: ''patefactio, revelatio''
''analogia Scripturae''
*righteousness: ''iustitia''
*righteousness of faith: ''iustitia fidei''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*righteousness of God: ''iustitia Dei''
Analogia del Scriptura
*rule of faith: ''regula fidei''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*sacrament: ''sacramentum''
analogy of Scripture
*sacramental action: ''actio sacramentalis''
*sacramental union: ''unio sacramentalis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*sanctification: ''sanctificatio''
*Scripture alone: ''sola Scriptura''
*second coming: ''adventus Christi''
|- valign="top"
*secundary causes: causae secundae
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*seed of faith: ''semen fidei''
*self-emptying: ''exinanitio; kenosis''
*self-existence: ''aseitas''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*sense: ''sensus''
*composite sense: ''sensus compositus''
*sense of the divine: ''sensus divinitatis''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*literal sense: ''sensus literalis''
*mystical sense: ''sensus mysticus''
*seven deadly sins: ''septem peccata mortalia''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*sign: ''signum''
*simplicity: ''simplicitas''
*sinlessness: ''anamartesia''
|- valign="top"
*sin(s): ''peccatum, peccata''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*mortal sin: ''peccata mortalia''
*actual sin: ''peccatum actualis''
*sin against the Holy Spirit: ''peccatum in Spiritum Sanctum''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*original sin: ''peccatum originalis''
*propagation of sin: ''propagatio peccati''
*imputation of sin: ''imputatio peccati''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*soul: ''anima''
*soul-sleep: ''psychopannychia''
*stain (of sin): ''macula''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*state of exhaltation: ''status exaltationis''
*state of humiliation: ''status humiliationis''
*subject: ''subiectum''
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*subsistence: ''subsistentia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*substance: ''substantia''
''angeloi; pneumata leiturgika''
*suffering: ''passio''
*surety: ''fideiussio; sponsio''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*synergism: ''synergismus''
*teaching: ''paideia''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*temptation: ''tentatio''
*theology: ''theologia''
*theology of angels: ''theologia angelorum''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*archetypal theology: ''theologia archetypa''
*theology of the blessed: ''theologia beatorum''
*theology of Christ: ''theologia unionis''
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*theology of the cross: ''theologia crucis''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*ectypal theology: ''theologia ectypa''
*natural theology: ''theologia naturalis''
*theology of Christians: ''theologia viatorum''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*things: ''res''
*third use of the law: cfr. ''usus legi''
*threefold office: ''munus triplex''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*trial: ''tentatio''
*Trinity: ''Trinitas''; cfr. ''Deus, persona''
*truth: ''veritas''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*truthfulness: ''veracitas''
*understanding: ''intellectus''
|- valign="top"
*union: ''unio''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*accidental union: ''unio accidentalis''
*essential union: ''unio essentialis''
*mystical union: ''unio mystica''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*natural union: ''unio naturalis''
*union by adoption: ''unio per adoptionem''
*personal union: ''unio personalis''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*sacramental union: ''unio sacramentalis''
*universal grace: ''gratia universalis''
*universals: ''universalia''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*vicarious satisfaction: ''satisfactio vicaria''
*vowel pointa: ''puncta vocaliai''
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*will: ''voluntas''
*will of God: ''voluntas Dei''
*wisdom: ''sapientia''
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
*witness: ''testimonium''
*wonders: ''mirabilia''
*Word: ''logos''
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
*Word of God: ''Verbum Dei''
*words of institution: ''verbum institutionis''
*work: ''officium, opus''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*work of God: ''opera Dei''
*works of supererogation: ''opera supererogationis''
*proper works (as opposed to alien): ''opus proprium''
|- valign="top"
*work of Christ: cfr. ''munus Christi; obedientia Christi; satisfactio vicaria''ù
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*wrath: ''ira''  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
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| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
''articulis fundamentales''.
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |
fundamental articles
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |

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''actio sacramentalis''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
sacramental action

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 359: Riga 404:
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''actus fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
act of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 372: Riga 417:
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''actus fiduciae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
act of trust

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 385: Riga 430:
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''actus primus''
''authoritas Scripturae''

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| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
primary actuality
authority of Scripture

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 398: Riga 443:
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''actus purus''

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| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
pure act

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 411: Riga 456:
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''actus unionis''

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| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
act of union
good will

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 424: Riga 469:
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| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''actus; ens; esse; esse''

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| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 437: Riga 482:
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| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 450: Riga 495:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 463: Riga 508:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 476: Riga 521:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''coena sacra''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
Lord's Supper

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 489: Riga 534:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''adventus Christi''
''cognitio; notitia; scientia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
second coming

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 502: Riga 547:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''communicatio idiomatum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
communication of proper qualities

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 515: Riga 560:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''communio, koinonìa''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 528: Riga 573:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 541: Riga 586:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''amor Dei''
''consilium Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
love of God
counsel of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 554: Riga 599:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''analogia entis''
''consummatio seculi'', cfr. ''interitus mundi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
analogy of being
end of the world

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 567: Riga 612:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''analogia fidei''
''contritio, poenitentia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
analogy of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 580: Riga 625:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''analogia Scripturae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
analogy of Scripture

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 593: Riga 638:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''corpus Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
body of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 606: Riga 651:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 619: Riga 664:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''angeloi; pneumata leiturgika''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 632: Riga 677:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 645: Riga 690:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 658: Riga 703:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 671: Riga 716:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''dies novissimus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
last day

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 684: Riga 729:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 697: Riga 742:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 710: Riga 755:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''articulis fundamentales''.

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
fundamental articles

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 723: Riga 768:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 736: Riga 781:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''essentia Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
essence of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 749: Riga 794:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''essentia; quidditas''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 762: Riga 807:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''authoritas Scripturae''
''exinanitio; kenosis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
authority of Scripture

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 775: Riga 820:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 788: Riga 833:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
good will

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 801: Riga 846:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''fideiussio; sponsio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 814: Riga 859:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''fideiussio; sponsio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 827: Riga 872:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 840: Riga 885:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''foedus gratiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
covenant of grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 853: Riga 898:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''coena sacra''
''foedus operum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
Lord's Supper
covenant of works

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 866: Riga 911:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''cognitio; notitia; scientia''
''foedus; pactum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 879: Riga 924:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''communicatio idiomatum''
''forma,'' cfr. ''universalia''.

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
communication of proper qualities

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 892: Riga 937:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''communio, koinonìa''
''fundamentum electionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
foundation of election

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 905: Riga 950:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 918: Riga 963:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''consilium Dei''
''generatio, genesis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
counsel of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 931: Riga 976:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''consummatio seculi'', cfr. ''interitus mundi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
end of the world

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 944: Riga 989:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''contritio, poenitentia''
''gradus gloriae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
degrees of glory

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 957: Riga 1 002:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia communis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
common grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 970: Riga 1 015:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''corpus Christi''
''gratia Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
body of Christ
grace of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 983: Riga 1 028:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia praeveniens''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
prevenient grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 996: Riga 1 041:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia resistibilis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
resistible grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 009: Riga 1 054:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia universalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
universal grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 022: Riga 1 067:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 035: Riga 1 080:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''habitus fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
disposition of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 048: Riga 1 093:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''dies novissimus''
''habitus gratiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
last day
disposition of grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 061: Riga 1 106:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 074: Riga 1 119:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
man (generic)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 087: Riga 1 132:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 100: Riga 1 145:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
proper qualities

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 113: Riga 1 158:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''essentia Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
essence of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 126: Riga 1 171:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''essentia; quidditas''
''imago Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
image of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 139: Riga 1 184:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''exinanitio; kenosis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 152: Riga 1 197:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 165: Riga 1 210:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''imputatio peccati''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
imputation of sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 178: Riga 1 223:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''fideiussio; sponsio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 191: Riga 1 236:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''fideiussio; sponsio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 204: Riga 1 249:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''infantes fidelium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
children of the faithful

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 217: Riga 1 262:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''foedus gratiae''
''inspiration, ''cfr. ''theopneustos''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
covenant of grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 230: Riga 1 275:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''foedus operum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
covenant of works

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 243: Riga 1 288:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''foedus; pactum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 256: Riga 1 301:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''forma,'' cfr. ''universalia''.
''intuitu fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
in view of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 269: Riga 1 314:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''fundamentum electionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
foundation of election

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 282: Riga 1 327:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
righteousness of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 295: Riga 1 340:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''generatio, genesis''
''iustitia fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
righteousness of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 308: Riga 1 353:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia imputata''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
imputed righteosness

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 321: Riga 1 366:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gradus gloriae''
''iustitia originalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
degrees of glory
original righteousness

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 334: Riga 1 379:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia communis''
''iustitia vindicativa sive punitiva''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
common grace
punitive justice

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 347: Riga 1 392:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
grace of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 360: Riga 1 405:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia praeveniens''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
prevenient grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 373: Riga 1 418:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia resistibilis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
resistible grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 386: Riga 1 431:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''gratia universalis''
''justitia remunerativa sive distributiva''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
universal grace
remunerative justice

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 399: Riga 1 444:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''justitia remuneratoria sive distributiva''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
distributive justice

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 412: Riga 1 457:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''habitus fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
disposition of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 425: Riga 1 470:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''habitus gratiae''
''lex cerimonialis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
disposition of grace
cerimonial law

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 438: Riga 1 483:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
law of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 451: Riga 1 496:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex moralis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
man (generic)
moral law

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 464: Riga 1 509:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex Mosaica''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
law of Moses

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 477: Riga 1 522:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex naturalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
proper qualities
law of nature

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 490: Riga 1 535:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 503: Riga 1 548:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''imago Dei''
''liberum arbitrium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
image of God
free will (i.e. free choice)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 516: Riga 1 561:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''loci communes''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
common places

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 529: Riga 1 574:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 542: Riga 1 587:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''imputatio peccati''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
imputation of sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 555: Riga 1 600:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 568: Riga 1 613:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lumen nature /gratie /gloriae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
light of nature /grace /glory

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 581: Riga 1 626:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''infantes fidelium''
''lux Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
children of the faithful
light - of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 594: Riga 1 639:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''inspiration, ''cfr. ''theopneustos''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 607: Riga 1 652:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
stain (of sin)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 620: Riga 1 665:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 633: Riga 1 678:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''intuitu fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
in view of faith
eating (sacramental)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 646: Riga 1 691:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''materia prima''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
prime matter

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 659: Riga 1 704:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia Dei''
''media gratiae; organa gratia e salutis, ''cfr. ''instrumentum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
righteousness of God
means of grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 672: Riga 1 717:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
righteousness of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 685: Riga 1 730:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia imputata''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
imputed righteosness

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 698: Riga 1 743:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia originalis''
''meritum Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
original righteousness
merit of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 711: Riga 1 756:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''iustitia vindicativa sive punitiva''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
punitive justice

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 724: Riga 1 769:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''metanoia; poenitentia; resipiscentia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 737: Riga 1 782:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 750: Riga 1 795:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 763: Riga 1 808:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''justitia remunerativa sive distributiva''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
remunerative justice

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 776: Riga 1 821:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''justitia remuneratoria sive distributiva''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
distributive justice

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 789: Riga 1 834:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 802: Riga 1 847:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex cerimonialis''
''munus triplex''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
cerimonial law
office of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 815: Riga 1 860:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex Christi''
''munus triplex''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
law of Christ
office of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 828: Riga 1 873:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex moralis''
''munus triplex''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
moral law
threefold office

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 841: Riga 1 886:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex Mosaica''
''necessitas absoluta''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
law of Moses
absolute necessity

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 854: Riga 1 899:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lex naturalis''
''necessitas coactionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
law of nature
necessity of compulsion

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 867: Riga 1 912:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''necessitas consequentiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
relative necessity

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 880: Riga 1 925:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''liberum arbitrium''
''necessitas naturae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
free will (i.e. free choice)
necessity of nature

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 893: Riga 1 938:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''loci communes''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
common places

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 906: Riga 1 951:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''nihil; me on; ''cfr. ''ex nihilo''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 919: Riga 1 964:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''nomina Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
names of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 932: Riga 1 977:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''notae ecclesiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
marks of the church

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 945: Riga 1 990:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lumen nature /gratie /gloriae''
''obedientia Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
light of nature /grace /glory
obedience of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 958: Riga 2 003:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''lux Dei''
''obiectum electionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
light - of God
object of election

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 971: Riga 2 016:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''obiectum fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
object of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 984: Riga 2 029:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''obiectum theologiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
stain (of sin)
object of theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 1 997: Riga 2 042:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 010: Riga 2 055:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
eating (sacramental)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 023: Riga 2 068:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''materia prima''
''officium, opus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
prime matter

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 036: Riga 2 081:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''media gratiae; organa gratia e salutis, ''cfr. ''instrumentum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
means of grace

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 049: Riga 2 094:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''opera Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
work of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 062: Riga 2 107:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''opera supererogationis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
works of supererogation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 075: Riga 2 120:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''meritum Christi''
''opus proprium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
merit of Christ
proper works (as opposed to alien)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 088: Riga 2 133:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 101: Riga 2 146:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''metanoia; poenitentia; resipiscentia''
''ordo rerum creatorum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
order of created things

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 114: Riga 2 159:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''ordo rerum decretarum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
order of decreed things

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 127: Riga 2 172:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''ordo salutis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
order of salvation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 140: Riga 2 185:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 153: Riga 2 198:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''pactum salutis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
covenant of redemption

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 166: Riga 2 211:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 179: Riga 2 224:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''munus triplex''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
office of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 192: Riga 2 237:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''munus triplex''
''patefactio, revelatio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
office of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 205: Riga 2 250:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''munus triplex''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
threefold office

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 218: Riga 2 263:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''necessitas absoluta''
''peccata mortalia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
absolute necessity
mortal sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 231: Riga 2 276:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''necessitas coactionis''
''peccatum actualis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
necessity of compulsion
actual sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 244: Riga 2 289:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''necessitas consequentiae''
''peccatum in Spiritum Sanctum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
relative necessity
sin against the Holy Spirit

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 257: Riga 2 302:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''necessitas naturae''
''peccatum originalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
necessity of nature
original sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 270: Riga 2 315:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''peccatum, peccata''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 283: Riga 2 328:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''nihil; me on; ''cfr. ''ex nihilo''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 296: Riga 2 341:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''nomina Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
names of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 309: Riga 2 354:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''notae ecclesiae''
''persona Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
marks of the church
Christ -person of

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 322: Riga 2 367:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''obedientia Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
obedience of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 335: Riga 2 380:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''obiectum electionis''
''potentia absoluta''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
object of election
absolute power

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 348: Riga 2 393:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''obiectum fidei''
''potentia ordinata''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
object of faith
ordained power

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 361: Riga 2 406:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''obiectum theologiae''
''potentia; potestas''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
object of theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 374: Riga 2 419:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''potestas ecclesiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
power of the church

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 387: Riga 2 432:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 400: Riga 2 445:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''officium, opus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 413: Riga 2 458:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''precepta caritatis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
commands of love

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 426: Riga 2 471:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''opera Dei''
''precepta Decalogi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
work of God
commands of the law

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 439: Riga 2 484:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''opera supererogationis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
works of supererogation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 452: Riga 2 497:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''opus proprium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
proper works (as opposed to alien)

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 465: Riga 2 510:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 478: Riga 2 523:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''ordo rerum creatorum''
''preparatio ad conversionem''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
order of created things
preparation - for conversion

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 491: Riga 2 536:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''ordo rerum decretarum''
''preparatio evangelica''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
order of decreed things
preparation for the gospel

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 504: Riga 2 549:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''ordo salutis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
order of salvation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 517: Riga 2 562:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''presentia illocalis sive definitiva; ''cfr. ''presentia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
illocal presence

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 530: Riga 2 575:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''pactum salutis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
covenant of redemption

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 543: Riga 2 588:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''previda fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
foreknowledge of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 556: Riga 2 601:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''prima causa''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
first cause

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 569: Riga 2 614:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''patefactio, revelatio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 582: Riga 2 627:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''primum movens''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
first mover

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 595: Riga 2 640:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''peccata mortalia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
mortal sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 608: Riga 2 653:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''peccatum actualis''
''propagatio peccati''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
actual sin
propagation of sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 621: Riga 2 666:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''peccatum in Spiritum Sanctum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
sin against the Holy Spirit

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 634: Riga 2 679:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''peccatum originalis''
''proprietas; proprium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
original sin

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 647: Riga 2 692:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''peccatum, peccata''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 660: Riga 2 705:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 673: Riga 2 718:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''puncta vocaliai''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
vowel pointa

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 686: Riga 2 731:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''persona Christi''
''rationes eternae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
Christ -person of
eternal ideas

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 699: Riga 2 744:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 712: Riga 2 757:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''potentia absoluta''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
absolute power

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 725: Riga 2 770:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''potentia ordinata''
''regnum Christi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
ordained power
kingdom of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 738: Riga 2 783:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''potentia; potestas''
''regula fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
rule of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 751: Riga 2 796:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''potestas ecclesiae''
''relatio personalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
power of the church
personal relation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 764: Riga 2 809:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 777: Riga 2 822:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 790: Riga 2 835:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''precepta caritatis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
commands of love

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 803: Riga 2 848:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''precepta Decalogi''
''revelatio generalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
commands of the law
general revelation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 816: Riga 2 861:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
priestly work

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 829: Riga 2 874:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 842: Riga 2 887:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 855: Riga 2 900:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''preparatio ad conversionem''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
preparation - for conversion

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 868: Riga 2 913:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''preparatio evangelica''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
preparation for the gospel

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 881: Riga 2 926:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''satisfactio vicaria''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
satisfaction of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 894: Riga 2 939:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''presentia illocalis sive definitiva; ''cfr. ''presentia''
''satisfactio vicaria''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
illocal presence
vicarious satisfaction

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 907: Riga 2 952:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''semen fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
seed of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 920: Riga 2 965:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''previda fidei''
''sensus compositus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
foreknowledge of faith
composite sense

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 933: Riga 2 978:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''prima causa''
''sensus divinitatis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
first cause
sense of the divine

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 946: Riga 2 991:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sensus literalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
literal sense

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 959: Riga 3 004:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''primum movens''
''sensus mysticus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
first mover
mystical sense

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 972: Riga 3 017:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 985: Riga 3 030:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''propagatio peccati''
''septem peccata mortalia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
propagation of sin
seven deadly sins

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 2 998: Riga 3 043:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 011: Riga 3 056:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''proprietas; proprium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 024: Riga 3 069:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sola gratia''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
grace alone

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 037: Riga 3 082:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sola Scriptura''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
Scripture alone

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 050: Riga 3 095:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''puncta vocaliai''
''speculum electionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
vowel pointa
mirror of election

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 063: Riga 3 108:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''rationes eternae''
''spiratio; processio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
eternal ideas

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 076: Riga 3 121:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status animarum a corpore separaturum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
intermediate state

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 089: Riga 3 134:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status exaltationis; status humiliationis; ''cfr. ''personas; Trinitas''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
states of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 102: Riga 3 147:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''regnum Christi''
''status exaltationis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
kingdom of Christ
exaltation of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 115: Riga 3 160:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''regula fidei''
''status exaltationis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
rule of faith
state of exhaltation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 128: Riga 3 173:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''relatio personalis''
''status humiliationis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
personal relation
humiliation of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 141: Riga 3 186:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status humiliationis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
state of humiliation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 154: Riga 3 199:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status purorum naturalium''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
natural condition

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 167: Riga 3 212:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 180: Riga 3 225:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''revelatio generalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
general revelation

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 193: Riga 3 238:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
priestly work

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 206: Riga 3 251:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''syllogismus practicus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
practical syllogism

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 219: Riga 3 264:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 232: Riga 3 277:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 245: Riga 3 290:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 258: Riga 3 303:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''satisfactio vicaria''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
satisfaction of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 271: Riga 3 316:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''satisfactio vicaria''
''testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
vicarious satisfaction
internal testimony of the Holy Spirit

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 284: Riga 3 329:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''semen fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
seed of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 297: Riga 3 342:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sensus compositus''
''textus receptus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
composite sense
received text

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 310: Riga 3 355:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sensus divinitatis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
sense of the divine

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 323: Riga 3 368:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sensus literalis''
''theologia angelorum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
literal sense
theology of angels

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 336: Riga 3 381:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sensus mysticus''
''theologia archetypa''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
mystical sense
archetypal theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 349: Riga 3 394:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia beatorum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
theology of the blessed

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 362: Riga 3 407:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''septem peccata mortalia''
''theologia crucis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
seven deadly sins
theology of the cross

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 375: Riga 3 420:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia ectypa''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
ectypal theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 388: Riga 3 433:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia naturalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
natural theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 401: Riga 3 446:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sola gratia''
''theologia naturalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
grace alone
natural theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 414: Riga 3 459:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''sola Scriptura''
''theologia unionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
Scripture alone
theology of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 427: Riga 3 472:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''speculum electionis''
''theologia viatorum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
mirror of election
theology of Christians

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 440: Riga 3 485:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''spiratio; processio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 453: Riga 3 498:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status animarum a corpore separaturum''
''timor Dei'', cfr. ''timor filialis, contritio''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
intermediate state
fear of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 466: Riga 3 511:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status exaltationis; status humiliationis; ''cfr. ''personas; Trinitas''
''Trinitas''; cfr. ''Deus, persona''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
states of Christ

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 479: Riga 3 524:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status exaltationis''
''unio accidentalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
exaltation of Christ
accidental union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 492: Riga 3 537:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status exaltationis''
''unio essentialis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
state of exhaltation
essential union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 505: Riga 3 550:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status humiliationis''
''unio mystica''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
humiliation of Christ
mystical union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 518: Riga 3 563:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status humiliationis''
''unio mystica''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
state of humiliation
mystical union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 531: Riga 3 576:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''status purorum naturalium''
''unio naturalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
natural condition
natural union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 544: Riga 3 589:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio per adoptionem''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
union by adoption

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 557: Riga 3 602:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio personalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
hypostatic union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 570: Riga 3 615:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio personalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
personal union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 583: Riga 3 628:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''syllogismus practicus''
''unio personalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
practical syllogism
personal union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 596: Riga 3 641:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio sacramentalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
sacramental union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 609: Riga 3 654:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio sacramentalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
sacramental union

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 622: Riga 3 667:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 635: Riga 3 680:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''universalia; rationes aeterne''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 648: Riga 3 693:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
internal testimony of the Holy Spirit

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 661: Riga 3 706:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''universalismus hypotheticus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
hypothetical universalism

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 674: Riga 3 719:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''textus receptus''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
received text

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 687: Riga 3 732:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''Verbum Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
Word of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 700: Riga 3 745:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia angelorum''
''verbum institutionis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
theology of angels
words of institution

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 713: Riga 3 758:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia archetypa''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
archetypal theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 726: Riga 3 771:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia beatorum''
''vita aeterna''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
theology of the blessed
eternal life

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 739: Riga 3 784:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia crucis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
theology of the cross

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 752: Riga 3 797:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia ectypa''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
ectypal theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 765: Riga 3 810:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia naturalis''
''vocatio efficax''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
natural theology
effectual calling

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 778: Riga 3 823:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia naturalis''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
natural theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 791: Riga 3 836:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia unionis''
''voluntas Dei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
theology of Christ
will of God

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 804: Riga 3 849:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''theologia viatorum''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
theology of Christians

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 817: Riga 3 862:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
amor; caritas; dilection

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 830: Riga 3 875:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''timor Dei'', cfr. ''timor filialis, contritio''
causae secundae

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
fear of God
secundary causes

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 843: Riga 3 888:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''Trinitas''; cfr. ''Deus, persona''
cfr. ''usus legi''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
third use of the law

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 856: Riga 3 901:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio accidentalis''
judicium extremum

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
accidental union
last judgment

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 869: Riga 3 914:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio essentialis''
''fundamentum fidei''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
essential union
foundation of faith

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
Riga 3 882: Riga 3 927:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |  
''unio mystica''
''principia theologiae''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 209px;" width="25%" |  

| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 198px;" width="25%" |  
mystical union
fundamental principles of theology

| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |  

|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
''unio mystica''

| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*act: ''actus''
*act of faith: ''actus fidei''
*act of trust: ''actus fiduciae''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*act of union: ''actus unionis''
mystical union
*action: ''actus''
*actuality: ''actus''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*adoption: ''adoptio''  
*affliction: ''tentatio''
*allegori: cfr. ''quadriga''
|- valign="top"
*analogy: ''analogia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*analogy of being: ''analogia entis''
''unio naturalis''
*analogy of faith: ''analogia fidei''
*analogy of Scripture: ''analogia Scripturae''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*angels: ''angeloi; pneumata leiturgika''
*Antichrist: ''antichristus''  
*apostasy: ''apostasia''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*assent: ''assensus''
natural union
*attribute: ''attributum''
*authority of Scripture: ''authoritas Scripturae''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*begetting: ''generatio, genesis''
*being: ''ens''
|- valign="top"
*birth: ''genesis''  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*blessedness: ''beatitudo''
''unio per adoptionem''
*body of Christ: ''corpus Christi''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*calling: ''vocatio''  
*cause: ''causa''
*certainty: ''certitudo''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*children of the faithful: ''infantes fidelium''
union by adoption
*choice: ''arbitrium''
*Christ -person of: ''persona Christi''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*office of Christ: ''munus triplex''
*satisfaction of Christ: ''satisfactio vicaria''  
*states of Christ: ''status exaltationis; status humiliationis; ''cfr. ''personas; Trinitas''
|- valign="top"
*commands: ''praecepta''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*commands of love: ''precepta caritatis''
''unio personalis''
*commands of the law: ''precepta Decalogi''
*common grace: ''gratia communis''  
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*common places: ''loci communes''
*communication of proper qualities: ''communicatio idiomatum''
*communion: ''communio, koinonìa''  
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*community: ''koinonia''
hypostatic union
*concurrence: ''concursus''
*consubstantial: ''homoousios''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*contrition: ''contritio, poenitentia''
*conversion: ''conversio''
*cooperating grace; cfr. ''gratia''
|- valign="top"
*counsel of God: ''consilium Dei''  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*covenant: ''foedus; pactum''
''unio personalis''
*covenant of grace: ''foedus gratiae''
*covenant of redemption: ''pactum salutis''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*covenant of works: ''foedus operum''
*covetousness: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*danation: ''damnatio''
personal union
*death: ''mors''
*decree: ''decretum''  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*degrees of glory: ''gradus gloriae''
*desire: ''appetitus''  
*despair: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
|- valign="top"
*dispensation: ''dispensatio''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*disposition: ''habitus''
''unio personalis''
*disposition of faith: ''habitus fidei''
*disposition of grace: ''habitus gratiae''  
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*distributive justice: ''justitia remuneratoria sive distributiva''
*eating (sacramental): ''manducatio''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*economy: ''dispensatio''
personal union
*effectual calling: ''vocatio efficax''
*emotion: ''affectio''  
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*end of the world: ''consummatio seculi'', cfr. ''interitus mundi''
*envy: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
*equivocal: ''aequivocus''
|- valign="top"
*essence: ''essentia; quidditas''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*essence of God: ''essentia Dei''  
''unio sacramentalis''
*eternal ideas: ''rationes eternae''
*eternal life: ''vita aeterna''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*eternity: ''aeternitas''
*exaltation of Christ: ''status exaltationis''
*existence: ''esse''  
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
sacramental union
*faithfullness: ''fidelitas''
*fault: ''culpa''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*fear of God: ''timor Dei'', cfr. ''timor filialis, contritio''
*first cause: ''prima causa''  
*first mover: ''primum movens''
|- valign="top"
*foreknowledge: ''prescientia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*foreknowledge of faith: ''previda fidei''
''unio sacramentalis''
*foreordination: ''predestinatio''
*form: ''forma,'' cfr. ''universalia''.
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*foundation: ''fundamentum''  
*foundation of election: ''fundamentum electionis''
*foundation of faith:''fundamentum fidei''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*cfr. ''principia theologica''
sacramental union
*free will (i.e. free choice): ''liberum arbitrium''
*fundamental articles: ''articulis fundamentales''.
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*fundamental principles of theology:''principia theologiae''
*general revelation: ''revelatio generalis''  
|- valign="top"
*gluttony: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*God: ''Deus''
*God-man: ''theanthropos''
*good will: ''benevolentia''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*goodness: ''bonitas''
*grace: ''gratia''  
*grace of God: ''gratia Dei''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*grace alone: ''sola gratia''  
*greed: cfr. ''septem peccatam mortalia''
*guarantee: ''fideiussio; sponsio''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*guilt: ''culpa''
*happiness: ''felicitas''
|- valign="top"
*hatred: ''odium''  
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*holiness: ''sanctitas''
''universalia; rationes aeterne''
*humiliation of Christ: ''status humiliationis''
*hypostatic union: ''unio personalis''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*hypothetical universalism: ''universalismus hypotheticus''  
*ideas: ''universalia; rationes aeterne''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*illocal presence: ''presentia illocalis sive definitiva; ''cfr. ''presentia''
*illumination: ''illuminatio''
*image of God: ''imago Dei''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*immeasurability: ''immensitas''
*immortality: ''immortalitas''
*imperfection: ''vitium''
|- valign="top"
*impersonality: ''anhypostasis''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*imputation: ''imputatio''
*imputed righteosness: ''iustitia imputata''
*in view of faith: ''intuitu fidei''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*incarnation: ''incarnatio''
*inspiration: ''inspiration, ''cfr. ''theopneustos''
*intellect: ''intellectus''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*intermediate state: ''status animarum a corpore separaturum''
*internal testimony of the Holy Spirit: ''testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*justice: ''iustitia''  
*justification: ''justificatio''
|- valign="top"
*kenosis: ''exinanitio''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*kingdom of Christ: ''regnum Christi''
''universalismus hypotheticus''
*knowledge: ''cognitio; notitia; scientia''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*last day: ''dies novissimus''
*last judgment: j''udicium extremum''
*law: ''lex''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*cerimonial law: ''lex cerimonialis''
hypothetical universalism
*law of Christ: ''lex Christi''
*moral law: ''lex moralis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*law of Moses: ''lex Mosaica''  
*law of nature: ''lex naturalis''
*liability: ''reatus''
|- valign="top"
*life: ''vita''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*light - of God: ''lux Dei''
*light of nature /grace /glory: ''lumen nature /gratie /gloriae''
*longsuffering: ''longanimitas''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*Lord's Supper: ''coena sacra''  
*love: amor; caritas; dilection
*love of God: ''amor Dei''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*lust: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
*majesty: ''maiestas''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*man (generic): ''homo''
*manifestation: ''patefaction''
*marks of the church: ''notae ecclesiae''
|- valign="top"
*means: ''media''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*means of grace: ''media gratiae; organa gratia e salutis, ''cfr. ''instrumentum''
''Verbum Dei''
*mediator: ''Mediator''
*mercy: ''misericordia''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*merit: ''meritum''
*merit of Christ: ''meritum Christi''
*metaphysics: ''metaphysica''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*millennialism: ''chialismus''
Word of God
*miracles: ''miracula''
*mirror of election: ''speculum electionis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*morosity: cfr. ''septe peccata mortalia''
*mystical union: ''unio mystica''
|- valign="top"
*names of God: ''nomina Dei''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*natural condition: ''status purorum naturalium''
''verbum institutionis''
*natural theology: ''theologia naturalis''
*necessity: ''necessitas''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*absolute necessity: ''necessitas absoluta''
*necessity of compulsion: ''necessitas coactionis''
*necessity of nature: ''necessitas naturae''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*relative necessity: ''necessitas consequentiae''
words of institution
*nothingness: ''nihil; me on; ''cfr. ''ex nihilo''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*obedience of Christ: ''obedientia Christi''
*object: ''obiectum''
*object of election: ''obiectum electionis''
|- valign="top"
*object of faith: ''obiectum fidei''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*object of theology: ''obiectum theologiae''
*office of Christ: ''munus triplex''
*omnipotence: ''omnipotentia''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*order: ''ordo''
*order of created things: ''ordo rerum creatorum''
*order of decreed things: ''ordo rerum decretarum''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*order of salvation: ''ordo salutis''
*original righteousness: ''iustitia originalis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*permission: ''permissio''
*perseverance: ''perseverantia''
*personal relation: ''relatio personalis''
|- valign="top"
*personal union: ''unio personalis''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*place: ''locus''
''vita aeterna''
*power: ''potentia; potestas''
*absolute power: ''potentia absoluta''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*ordained power: ''potentia ordinata''
*power of the church: ''potestas ecclesiae''
*practical syllogism: ''syllogismus practicus''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*practice: ''praxis''
eternal life
*prayer: ''oratio''
*predestination: ''predestinatio''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*predication: ''predicatio''
*preparation - for conversion: ''preparatio ad conversionem''
*preparation for the gospel: ''preparatio evangelica''
|- valign="top"
*presence: ''presentia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*prevenient grace: ''gratia praeveniens''
*pride: cfr. ''septem peccata mortalia''
*priestly work: ''sacerdotium''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*primacy: ''primitas''
*primary actuality: ''actus primus''
*prime matter: ''materia prima''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*procession: ''spiratio; processio''
*promise: ''promissio''
*proper qualities: ''idiomata''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*property: ''proprietas; proprium''
*prophecy: ''prophetia''
*providence: ''providentia''
|- valign="top"
*punishment: ''poena''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*punitive justice: ''iustitia vindicativa sive punitiva''
*pure act: ''actus purus''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*ransom: ''lytron''
*real presence: cfr. ''presentia''
*reality: ''actus; ens; esse; esse''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*received text: ''textus receptus''
*reconciliation: ''reconciliatio''
*remunerative justice: ''justitia remunerativa sive distributiva''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*repentance: ''metanoia; poenitentia; resipiscentia''
*reprobation: ''reprobatio''
*resistible grace: ''gratia resistibilis''
|- valign="top"
*resurrection: ''resurrection''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*revelation: ''patefactio, revelatio''
''vocatio efficax''
*righteousness: ''iustitia''
*righteousness of faith: ''iustitia fidei''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*righteousness of God: ''iustitia Dei''
*rule of faith: ''regula fidei''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*sacrament: ''sacramentum''
effectual calling
*sacramental action: ''actio sacramentalis''
*sacramental union: ''unio sacramentalis''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*sanctification: ''sanctificatio''
*Scripture alone: ''sola Scriptura''
*second coming: ''adventus Christi''
|- valign="top"
*secundary causes: causae secundae
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*seed of faith: ''semen fidei''
*self-emptying: ''exinanitio; kenosis''
*self-existence: ''aseitas''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*sense: ''sensus''
*composite sense: ''sensus compositus''
*sense of the divine: ''sensus divinitatis''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*literal sense: ''sensus literalis''
*mystical sense: ''sensus mysticus''
*seven deadly sins: ''septem peccata mortalia''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*sign: ''signum''
*simplicity: ''simplicitas''
*sinlessness: ''anamartesia''
|- valign="top"
*sin(s): ''peccatum, peccata''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*mortal sin: ''peccata mortalia''
''voluntas Dei''
*actual sin: ''peccatum actualis''
*sin against the Holy Spirit: ''peccatum in Spiritum Sanctum''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*original sin: ''peccatum originalis''
*propagation of sin: ''propagatio peccati''
*imputation of sin: ''imputatio peccati''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*soul: ''anima''
will of God
*soul-sleep: ''psychopannychia''
*stain (of sin): ''macula''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*state of exhaltation: ''status exaltationis''
*state of humiliation: ''status humiliationis''
*subject: ''subiectum''
|- valign="top"
*subsistence: ''subsistentia''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*substance: ''substantia''
*suffering: ''passio''
*surety: ''fideiussio; sponsio''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*synergism: ''synergismus''
*teaching: ''paideia''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*temptation: ''tentatio''
*theology: ''theologia''
*theology of angels: ''theologia angelorum''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*archetypal theology: ''theologia archetypa''
*theology of the blessed: ''theologia beatorum''
*theology of Christ: ''theologia unionis''
|- valign="top"
*theology of the cross: ''theologia crucis''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*ectypal theology: ''theologia ectypa''
amor; caritas; dilection
*natural theology: ''theologia naturalis''
*theology of Christians: ''theologia viatorum''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*things: ''res''
*third use of the law: cfr. ''usus legi''
*threefold office: ''munus triplex''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*trial: ''tentatio''
*Trinity: ''Trinitas''; cfr. ''Deus, persona''
*truth: ''veritas''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*truthfulness: ''veracitas''
*understanding: ''intellectus''
|- valign="top"
*union: ''unio''
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*accidental union: ''unio accidentalis''
causae secundae
*essential union: ''unio essentialis''
*mystical union: ''unio mystica''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*natural union: ''unio naturalis''
*union by adoption: ''unio per adoptionem''
*personal union: ''unio personalis''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*sacramental union: ''unio sacramentalis''
secundary causes
*universal grace: ''gratia universalis''
*universals: ''universalia''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*vicarious satisfaction: ''satisfactio vicaria''
*vowel pointa: ''puncta vocaliai''
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*will: ''voluntas''
cfr. ''usus legi''
*will of God: ''voluntas Dei''
*wisdom: ''sapientia''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
*witness: ''testimonium''
*wonders: ''mirabilia''
*Word: ''logos''
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
*Word of God: ''Verbum Dei''
third use of the law
*words of institution: ''verbum institutionis''
*work: ''officium, opus''
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
*work of God: ''opera Dei''
*works of supererogation: ''opera supererogationis''
*proper works (as opposed to alien): ''opus proprium''
|- valign="top"
*work of Christ: cfr. ''munus Christi; obedientia Christi; satisfactio vicaria''ù
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
*wrath: ''ira''
judicium extremum
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
last judgment
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
''fundamentum fidei''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
foundation of faith
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |
|- valign="top"
| style="width: 154px;" width="25%" |
''principia theologiae''
| style="width: 179px;" width="25%" |
| style="width: 228px;" width="25%" |
fundamental principles of theology
| style="width: 1026px;" width="25%" |

Versione attuale delle 12:50, 6 giu 2020


Termini teologici

Latino Interlingua Inglese  

actio sacramentalis

Action sacramental

sacramental action


actus fidei

Acto de fide

act of faith


actus fiduciae

Acto de fiducia

act of trust


actus primus

Actualitate primari

primary actuality


actus purus

Acto pur

pure act


actus unionis

Acto de union

act of union


actus; ens; esse; esse

Realitate, Esser



















adventus Christi

Advento de Christo (Secunde)

second coming














amor Dei

Amor de Deo

love of God


analogia entis

Analogia de essentia

analogy of being


analogia fidei

Analogia de fide

analogy of faith


analogia Scripturae

Analogia del Scriptura

analogy of Scripture










angeloi; pneumata leiturgika




























articulis fundamentales.


fundamental articles














authoritas Scripturae


authority of Scripture








good will


















coena sacra


Lord's Supper


cognitio; notitia; scientia




communicatio idiomatum


communication of proper qualities


communio, koinonìa








consilium Dei


counsel of God


consummatio seculi, cfr. interitus mundi


end of the world


contritio, poenitentia








corpus Christi


body of Christ






















dies novissimus


last day


















essentia Dei


essence of God


essentia; quidditas




exinanitio; kenosis












fideiussio; sponsio




fideiussio; sponsio








foedus gratiae


covenant of grace


foedus operum


covenant of works


foedus; pactum




forma, cfr. universalia.




fundamentum electionis


foundation of election






generatio, genesis








gradus gloriae


degrees of glory


gratia communis


common grace


gratia Dei


grace of God


gratia praeveniens


prevenient grace


gratia resistibilis


resistible grace


gratia universalis


universal grace






habitus fidei


disposition of faith


habitus gratiae


disposition of grace








man (generic)








proper qualities






imago Dei


image of God










imputatio peccati


imputation of sin










infantes fidelium


children of the faithful


inspiration, cfr. theopneustos












intuitu fidei


in view of faith






iustitia Dei


righteousness of God


iustitia fidei


righteousness of faith


iustitia imputata


imputed righteosness


iustitia originalis


original righteousness


iustitia vindicativa sive punitiva


punitive justice














justitia remunerativa sive distributiva


remunerative justice


justitia remuneratoria sive distributiva


distributive justice






lex cerimonialis


cerimonial law


lex Christi


law of Christ


lex moralis


moral law


lex Mosaica


law of Moses


lex naturalis


law of nature






liberum arbitrium


free will (i.e. free choice)


loci communes


common places














lumen nature /gratie /gloriae


light of nature /grace /glory


lux Dei


light - of God








stain (of sin)








eating (sacramental)


materia prima


prime matter


media gratiae; organa gratia e salutis, cfr. instrumentum


means of grace










meritum Christi


merit of Christ






metanoia; poenitentia; resipiscentia
























munus triplex


office of Christ


munus triplex


office of Christ


munus triplex


threefold office


necessitas absoluta


absolute necessity


necessitas coactionis


necessity of compulsion


necessitas consequentiae


relative necessity


necessitas naturae


necessity of nature






nihil; me on; cfr. ex nihilo




nomina Dei


names of God


notae ecclesiae


marks of the church


obedientia Christi


obedience of Christ


obiectum electionis


object of election


obiectum fidei


object of faith


obiectum theologiae


object of theology










officium, opus








opera Dei


work of God


opera supererogationis


works of supererogation


opus proprium


proper works (as opposed to alien)






ordo rerum creatorum


order of created things


ordo rerum decretarum


order of decreed things


ordo salutis


order of salvation






pactum salutis


covenant of redemption










patefactio, revelatio








peccata mortalia


mortal sin


peccatum actualis


actual sin


peccatum in Spiritum Sanctum


sin against the Holy Spirit


peccatum originalis


original sin


peccatum, peccata












persona Christi


Christ -person of






potentia absoluta


absolute power


potentia ordinata


ordained power


potentia; potestas




potestas ecclesiae


power of the church










precepta caritatis


commands of love


precepta Decalogi


commands of the law














preparatio ad conversionem


preparation - for conversion


preparatio evangelica


preparation for the gospel






presentia illocalis sive definitiva; cfr. presentia


illocal presence






previda fidei


foreknowledge of faith


prima causa


first cause






primum movens


first mover






propagatio peccati


propagation of sin






proprietas; proprium












puncta vocaliai


vowel pointa


rationes eternae


eternal ideas










regnum Christi


kingdom of Christ


regula fidei


rule of faith


relatio personalis


personal relation














revelatio generalis


general revelation




priestly work


















satisfactio vicaria


satisfaction of Christ


satisfactio vicaria


vicarious satisfaction


semen fidei


seed of faith


sensus compositus


composite sense


sensus divinitatis


sense of the divine


sensus literalis


literal sense


sensus mysticus


mystical sense






septem peccata mortalia


seven deadly sins










sola gratia


grace alone


sola Scriptura


Scripture alone


speculum electionis


mirror of election


spiratio; processio




status animarum a corpore separaturum


intermediate state


status exaltationis; status humiliationis; cfr. personas; Trinitas


states of Christ


status exaltationis


exaltation of Christ


status exaltationis


state of exhaltation


status humiliationis


humiliation of Christ


status humiliationis


state of humiliation


status purorum naturalium


natural condition














syllogismus practicus


practical syllogism


















testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti


internal testimony of the Holy Spirit






textus receptus


received text






theologia angelorum


theology of angels


theologia archetypa


archetypal theology


theologia beatorum


theology of the blessed


theologia crucis


theology of the cross


theologia ectypa


ectypal theology


theologia naturalis


natural theology


theologia naturalis


natural theology


theologia unionis


theology of Christ


theologia viatorum


theology of Christians






timor Dei, cfr. timor filialis, contritio


fear of God


Trinitas; cfr. Deus, persona




unio accidentalis


accidental union


unio essentialis


essential union


unio mystica


mystical union


unio mystica


mystical union


unio naturalis


natural union


unio per adoptionem


union by adoption


unio personalis


hypostatic union


unio personalis


personal union


unio personalis


personal union


unio sacramentalis


sacramental union


unio sacramentalis


sacramental union






universalia; rationes aeterne








universalismus hypotheticus


hypothetical universalism






Verbum Dei


Word of God


verbum institutionis


words of institution






vita aeterna


eternal life










vocatio efficax


effectual calling






voluntas Dei


will of God






amor; caritas; dilection




causae secundae


secundary causes


cfr. usus legi


third use of the law


judicium extremum


last judgment


fundamentum fidei


foundation of faith


principia theologiae


fundamental principles of theology


  • act: actus
  • act of faith: actus fidei
  • act of trust: actus fiduciae
  • act of union: actus unionis
  • action: actus
  • actuality: actus
  • adoption: adoptio
  • affliction: tentatio
  • allegori: cfr. quadriga
  • analogy: analogia
  • analogy of being: analogia entis
  • analogy of faith: analogia fidei
  • analogy of Scripture: analogia Scripturae
  • angels: angeloi; pneumata leiturgika
  • Antichrist: antichristus
  • apostasy: apostasia
  • assent: assensus
  • attribute: attributum
  • authority of Scripture: authoritas Scripturae
  • begetting: generatio, genesis
  • being: ens
  • birth: genesis
  • blessedness: beatitudo
  • body of Christ: corpus Christi
  • calling: vocatio
  • cause: causa
  • certainty: certitudo
  • children of the faithful: infantes fidelium
  • choice: arbitrium
  • Christ -person of: persona Christi
  • office of Christ: munus triplex
  • satisfaction of Christ: satisfactio vicaria
  • states of Christ: status exaltationis; status humiliationis; cfr. personas; Trinitas
  • commands: praecepta
  • commands of love: precepta caritatis
  • commands of the law: precepta Decalogi
  • common grace: gratia communis
  • common places: loci communes
  • communication of proper qualities: communicatio idiomatum
  • communion: communio, koinonìa
  • community: koinonia
  • concurrence: concursus
  • consubstantial: homoousios
  • contrition: contritio, poenitentia
  • conversion: conversio
  • cooperating grace; cfr. gratia
  • counsel of God: consilium Dei
  • covenant: foedus; pactum
  • covenant of grace: foedus gratiae
  • covenant of redemption: pactum salutis
  • covenant of works: foedus operum
  • covetousness: cfr. septem peccata mortalia
  • danation: damnatio
  • death: mors
  • decree: decretum
  • degrees of glory: gradus gloriae
  • desire: appetitus
  • despair: cfr. septem peccata mortalia
  • dispensation: dispensatio
  • disposition: habitus
  • disposition of faith: habitus fidei
  • disposition of grace: habitus gratiae
  • distributive justice: justitia remuneratoria sive distributiva
  • eating (sacramental): manducatio
  • economy: dispensatio
  • effectual calling: vocatio efficax
  • emotion: affectio
  • end of the world: consummatio seculi, cfr. interitus mundi
  • envy: cfr. septem peccata mortalia
  • equivocal: aequivocus
  • essence: essentia; quidditas
  • essence of God: essentia Dei
  • eternal ideas: rationes eternae
  • eternal life: vita aeterna
  • eternity: aeternitas
  • exaltation of Christ: status exaltationis
  • existence: esse
  • faithfullness: fidelitas
  • fault: culpa
  • fear of God: timor Dei, cfr. timor filialis, contritio
  • first cause: prima causa
  • first mover: primum movens
  • foreknowledge: prescientia
  • foreknowledge of faith: previda fidei
  • foreordination: predestinatio
  • form: forma, cfr. universalia.
  • foundation: fundamentum
  • foundation of election: fundamentum electionis
  • foundation of faith:fundamentum fidei
  • cfr. principia theologica
  • free will (i.e. free choice): liberum arbitrium
  • fundamental articles: articulis fundamentales.
  • fundamental principles of theology:principia theologiae
  • general revelation: revelatio generalis
  • gluttony: cfr. septem peccata mortalia
  • God: Deus
  • God-man: theanthropos
  • good will: benevolentia
  • goodness: bonitas
  • grace: gratia
  • grace of God: gratia Dei
  • grace alone: sola gratia
  • greed: cfr. septem peccatam mortalia
  • guarantee: fideiussio; sponsio
  • guilt: culpa
  • happiness: felicitas
  • hatred: odium
  • holiness: sanctitas
  • humiliation of Christ: status humiliationis
  • hypostatic union: unio personalis
  • hypothetical universalism: universalismus hypotheticus
  • ideas: universalia; rationes aeterne
  • illocal presence: presentia illocalis sive definitiva; cfr. presentia
  • illumination: illuminatio
  • image of God: imago Dei
  • immeasurability: immensitas
  • immortality: immortalitas
  • imperfection: vitium
  • impersonality: anhypostasis
  • imputation: imputatio
  • imputed righteosness: iustitia imputata
  • in view of faith: intuitu fidei
  • incarnation: incarnatio
  • inspiration: inspiration, cfr. theopneustos
  • intellect: intellectus
  • intermediate state: status animarum a corpore separaturum
  • internal testimony of the Holy Spirit: testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti
  • justice: iustitia
  • justification: justificatio
  • kenosis: exinanitio
  • kingdom of Christ: regnum Christi
  • knowledge: cognitio; notitia; scientia
  • last day: dies novissimus
  • last judgment: judicium extremum
  • law: lex
  • cerimonial law: lex cerimonialis
  • law of Christ: lex Christi
  • moral law: lex moralis
  • law of Moses: lex Mosaica
  • law of nature: lex naturalis
  • liability: reatus
  • life: vita
  • light - of God: lux Dei
  • light of nature /grace /glory: lumen nature /gratie /gloriae
  • longsuffering: longanimitas
  • Lord's Supper: coena sacra
  • love: amor; caritas; dilection
  • love of God: amor Dei
  • lust: cfr. septem peccata mortalia
  • majesty: maiestas
  • man (generic): homo
  • manifestation: patefaction
  • marks of the church: notae ecclesiae
  • means: media
  • means of grace: media gratiae; organa gratia e salutis, cfr. instrumentum
  • mediator: Mediator
  • mercy: misericordia
  • merit: meritum
  • merit of Christ: meritum Christi
  • metaphysics: metaphysica
  • millennialism: chialismus
  • miracles: miracula
  • mirror of election: speculum electionis
  • morosity: cfr. septe peccata mortalia
  • mystical union: unio mystica
  • names of God: nomina Dei
  • natural condition: status purorum naturalium
  • natural theology: theologia naturalis
  • necessity: necessitas
  • absolute necessity: necessitas absoluta
  • necessity of compulsion: necessitas coactionis
  • necessity of nature: necessitas naturae
  • relative necessity: necessitas consequentiae
  • nothingness: nihil; me on; cfr. ex nihilo
  • obedience of Christ: obedientia Christi
  • object: obiectum
  • object of election: obiectum electionis
  • object of faith: obiectum fidei
  • object of theology: obiectum theologiae
  • office of Christ: munus triplex
  • omnipotence: omnipotentia
  • order: ordo
  • order of created things: ordo rerum creatorum
  • order of decreed things: ordo rerum decretarum
  • order of salvation: ordo salutis
  • original righteousness: iustitia originalis
  • permission: permissio
  • perseverance: perseverantia
  • personal relation: relatio personalis
  • personal union: unio personalis
  • place: locus
  • power: potentia; potestas
  • absolute power: potentia absoluta
  • ordained power: potentia ordinata
  • power of the church: potestas ecclesiae
  • practical syllogism: syllogismus practicus
  • practice: praxis
  • prayer: oratio
  • predestination: predestinatio
  • predication: predicatio
  • preparation - for conversion: preparatio ad conversionem
  • preparation for the gospel: preparatio evangelica
  • presence: presentia
  • prevenient grace: gratia praeveniens
  • pride: cfr. septem peccata mortalia
  • priestly work: sacerdotium
  • primacy: primitas
  • primary actuality: actus primus
  • prime matter: materia prima
  • procession: spiratio; processio
  • promise: promissio
  • proper qualities: idiomata
  • property: proprietas; proprium
  • prophecy: prophetia
  • providence: providentia
  • punishment: poena
  • punitive justice: iustitia vindicativa sive punitiva
  • pure act: actus purus
  • ransom: lytron
  • real presence: cfr. presentia
  • reality: actus; ens; esse; esse
  • received text: textus receptus
  • reconciliation: reconciliatio
  • remunerative justice: justitia remunerativa sive distributiva
  • repentance: metanoia; poenitentia; resipiscentia
  • reprobation: reprobatio
  • resistible grace: gratia resistibilis
  • resurrection: resurrection
  • revelation: patefactio, revelatio
  • righteousness: iustitia
  • righteousness of faith: iustitia fidei
  • righteousness of God: iustitia Dei
  • rule of faith: regula fidei
  • sacrament: sacramentum
  • sacramental action: actio sacramentalis
  • sacramental union: unio sacramentalis
  • sanctification: sanctificatio
  • Scripture alone: sola Scriptura
  • second coming: adventus Christi
  • secundary causes: causae secundae
  • seed of faith: semen fidei
  • self-emptying: exinanitio; kenosis
  • self-existence: aseitas
  • sense: sensus
  • composite sense: sensus compositus
  • sense of the divine: sensus divinitatis
  • literal sense: sensus literalis
  • mystical sense: sensus mysticus
  • seven deadly sins: septem peccata mortalia
  • sign: signum
  • simplicity: simplicitas
  • sinlessness: anamartesia
  • sin(s): peccatum, peccata
  • mortal sin: peccata mortalia
  • actual sin: peccatum actualis
  • sin against the Holy Spirit: peccatum in Spiritum Sanctum
  • original sin: peccatum originalis
  • propagation of sin: propagatio peccati
  • imputation of sin: imputatio peccati
  • soul: anima
  • soul-sleep: psychopannychia
  • stain (of sin): macula
  • state of exhaltation: status exaltationis
  • state of humiliation: status humiliationis
  • subject: subiectum
  • subsistence: subsistentia
  • substance: substantia
  • suffering: passio
  • surety: fideiussio; sponsio
  • synergism: synergismus
  • teaching: paideia
  • temptation: tentatio
  • theology: theologia
  • theology of angels: theologia angelorum
  • archetypal theology: theologia archetypa
  • theology of the blessed: theologia beatorum
  • theology of Christ: theologia unionis
  • theology of the cross: theologia crucis
  • ectypal theology: theologia ectypa
  • natural theology: theologia naturalis
  • theology of Christians: theologia viatorum
  • things: res
  • third use of the law: cfr. usus legi
  • threefold office: munus triplex
  • trial: tentatio
  • Trinity: Trinitas; cfr. Deus, persona
  • truth: veritas
  • truthfulness: veracitas
  • understanding: intellectus
  • union: unio
  • accidental union: unio accidentalis
  • essential union: unio essentialis
  • mystical union: unio mystica
  • natural union: unio naturalis
  • union by adoption: unio per adoptionem
  • personal union: unio personalis
  • sacramental union: unio sacramentalis
  • universal grace: gratia universalis
  • universals: universalia
  • vicarious satisfaction: satisfactio vicaria
  • vowel pointa: puncta vocaliai
  • will: voluntas
  • will of God: voluntas Dei
  • wisdom: sapientia
  • witness: testimonium
  • wonders: mirabilia
  • Word: logos
  • Word of God: Verbum Dei
  • words of institution: verbum institutionis
  • work: officium, opus
  • work of God: opera Dei
  • works of supererogation: opera supererogationis
  • proper works (as opposed to alien): opus proprium
  • work of Christ: cfr. munus Christi; obedientia Christi; satisfactio vicariaù
  • wrath: ira